Download the latest Clover Configurator Global version and apply the patch below. 10.13.6 USB PatchHigh Sierra 10.13.6 requires a new USB patch to get all USB/USB3 ports recognized and working. You will also need the USBInjectAll.kext - Mount EFI Partition with Clover Configurator
- Navigate to /Volumes/EFI/EFI/Clover/
- Right-click open config.plist with Clover Configurator
- Click Kernel and Kext Patches under SECTIONS of Clover Configurator
- Click the “+” button near the bottom to add this patch:
- Name*:
- Find* [HEX]: 837D880F 0F83A704 0000
- Replace* [HEX]: 837D880F 90909090 9090
- Comment: USB 10.13.6+ by PMHeart
- MatchOS: 10.13.x
- Save config.plist