check the status of 'dd' in progress (OS X) Terminal - check the status of 'dd' in progress (OS X) check the status of 'dd' in progress (OS X) "killall -USR1 dd" does not work in OS X for me. However, sending INFO instead of USR1 works. AlternativesThere are 8 alternatives - vote for the best! Sends SIGINFO to the process. This is a BSD feature OS X inherited. You must have the terminal window executing dd selected when entering CTRL + T for this to work. pv -tpreb /dev/sda | dd of=/dev/sdb bs=1M Your platform may not have pv by default. If you are using Homebew on OSX, simply 'brew install pv'. While a dd is running in one terminal, open another and enter the while loop. The sample output will be displayed in the window running the dd and the while loop will exit when the dd is complete. It's possible that a "sudo" will need to be inserted before "pkill", depending on your setup, for example: while pgrep ^dd; do sudo pkill -INFO dd; sleep 10; done while killall -USR1 dd; do sleep 5; done Stops when the (last) dd process exits. |