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<rev user="Johann" timestamp="2023-02-08T05:42:33Z" comment="" contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve"><strong>Welcome to the Centre for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology!</strong>
== Getting started ==
* [[Obtaining an account]]
* [ The Linux Command Line ]
* [[Logging in to a terminal session]]
* [[Running jobs on our servers]]
* [[Using the PBS / Torque queueing environment]]
* [[Software resources]]
* [[Hardware resources]]
* [ Storage Quotas]
* [[Transferring large quantities of data between institutions]]
* [[Backups]]
* The compute infrastructure load can be seen in the [ ganglia monitor]
* The Bioinformatics post-graduate lecture [ schedule] is currently available only to bioinformatics students, due to COVID social distancing restrictions.
* [[Migrating your data safely]]
* [[File and directory permissions and ownership]]
* [[Guidelines and Terms of use]]
* [[Safety and security at the Lab]]
* [ Admin Wiki]
== The Black Mamba ==
* [[About]]
* [[Joining the discussion]]</rev>