Transferring large quantities of data between institutions

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To transfer large amounts of data between institutions, Globus Connect is the application of choice if supported by both institutions. It is designed to provide a web-based interface where you log in to the servers at both institutions, and perform a large threaded data transfer in the background.

  • Create a Globus Connect login at the Globus Connect Site Signup site
  • Log in at the Globus Transfer site
  • You will see two sections: one for each institution
  • One the left, for the UP bioinformatics Globus Connect server, type fourie#globusconnect at the endpoint link (this is not your login name, it is an endpoint definition that we have created for our UP bioinformatics server)
  • You will be prompted for your login name and password on the UP bioinformatics server. Underneath the password field, choose Advanced and set a credential lifetime in hours. Once logged in, you will be able to see your files at UP
  • On the right, provide the endpoint for the other institution's Globus endpoint. An example for the CHPC would be CHPC-Globus
  • You will be prompted for your login name and password on the other institutions's server, and will be able to see your files once you have logged in
  • An example is shown below:


  • You can now perform transfers of files or directories by selecting the item to transfer, and clicking on the arrow key in the relevant direction
  • The transfer will run in the background in using an optimized threaded transfer method
  • Once your transfer has been initiated, you may leave the site, and will be notified by e-mail when the transfer has been completed