The RPi wifi connection often does not come up after power failures because the routers are not available yet at boot time. This script, which runs as a cronjob, checks for this and maintains the wifi connection at all times. crontab: */5 * * * * /root/ Script: #!/bin/bash ################################################################## # JWS - 2019 # Script checks to see if WiFi has a network IP and if not # restart WiFi # # Instructions: # # o Install where you want to run it from like /root # o chmod 0755 /root/ # o Add to crontab # # Run Every 5 mins - Seems like ever min is overkill unless # this is a very common problem. If once a min change */5 to * # once every 2 mins */5 to */2 ... # # */5 * * * * /root/ export PATH=$PATH:/sbin # Which Interface do you want to check/fix wlan='wlan0' #echo #echo "Starting WiFi check for $wlan" #echo #echo "Performing Network check for $wlan" if !(ifconfig $wlan | grep -q "inet addr:") then   echo "Wifi is down - restoring..." >> /var/log/messages   ifdown --force $wlan   sleep 5   ifup --force $wlan   sleep 10   mount -a fi exit 0 |
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