Change a server’s hostnameUsing a text editor, open the server’s /etc/sysconfig/network file. The following example shows how to open this file in the GNU nano text editor: # sudo nano /etc/sysconfig/network
Modify the HOSTNAME=  value to match your FQDN hostname, as shown in the following example:
Open the file at /etc/hosts. To update the information for internal networking, change the host that is associated with the main IP address for your server, as shown in the following example: localhost localhost.localdomain hostname ~ ~ ~ ~ -- INSERT -- 2,43-57 ALL
Run the hostname  command. This command enables you to change the hostname on the server that the command line remembers, but it does not actively update all of the programs that are running under the old hostname. The following code provides an example: [root@defiant ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname [root@defiant ~]# hostname [root@defiant ~]#
Use the following command to restart networking on your server to ensure that changes persist on restart: # /etc/init.d/network restart