Issue- How can I convert a RHEL system from using UEFI to using legacy BIOS?
- Is it possible to conver boot LUN from GPT to MBR without losing data and configuration?
- How to convert boot LUN from GPT to MBR (i.e. UEFI boot to Legacy Only)?
- The machine is installed with UEFI boot enabled, now is it possible to make it Legacy only?
ResolutionBefore beginning: Make a backup of the main disk The following steps have been tested by engineers in Red Hat Support; however, the risk of mistakes causing damage is high when using programs that modify partition tables, so taking a backup first is highly recommended Install the gdisk package if it's not already installed Use the gdisk  command to convert the main disk's GPT to MBR (Replace /dev/sda  as appropriate) gdisk /dev/sda <<EOFrga2t283wyEOF
Reconfigure GRUB (Replace /dev/sda  as appropriate) RHEL 6 cp -a /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.conf /boot/grub/grub-install /dev/sda
RHEL 7 rm -f /etc/grub2-efi.cfg /boot/grub2/grubenvyum install grub2grub2-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sdagrub2-mkconfig | sed -r 's/(linux|initrd)efi/\116/' >/etc/grub2.cfg