‎ > ‎
Tin Plating
Server config
389DS LDAP Server setup
A/C monitoring of the server room
Apache default permissions
Auto mounting Active Directory share on Ubuntu Linux
Bacula bconsole restore
Bacula install on RHEL/Centos 6
Building the Bioinformatics Petabyte JBOD ZFS filesystem
CentOS - Mounting Active Directory shares at boot time
Centos/RHEL/Fedora 6 server setup
Changing default GCC version environment
Check disk SMART status
Configuring Postfix as a Gmail relay on RHEL/Centos
Copying and moving LARGE file volumes on Lustre mountpoints
Create a new user on the cluster
Creating and exporting a root CA and sub-CA's
Creating and using patch files from diff
Creating new initrd
Cronjob to restore and maintain Raspberry Pi wifi connection
Debugging notes for SLAPD (FreeBSD)
Enabling secondary group retrieval from FreeBSD LDAP server
Exclude commands from user's sudo permissions
Extracting specific files from tar balls
Find installation date - CentOS/RHEL
Fixing /var/run problems on Centos/RHEL 7
FreeBSD setting up network
fstab with LABEL or UUID
Google Chrome on Linux
Hackintosh High Sierra 10.13.6 USB Fix
How to convert RHEL system from UEFI & GPT to legacy BIOS & MBR
How to Recover or Rescue Corrupted Grub Boot Loader in CentOS/RHEL7
Installing and handling R packages
Installing scipy on RHEL laplas/blas resources
KNOPPIX network setup
KVM Java fix
LDAP Data migration
LDAP legacy client setup
lftp Example
Linux - flushing caches
Linux - mount Active Directory share in fstab
Linux disk quotas
Linux mdadm wiki
Locating hard drives within a large JBOD or Lustre enclosure
Lustre - migrating data from OST's
Lustre config - creating MDS system with ZFS
Lustre disabling OST's on MDS
Managing CPU resources on RHEL/Centos
Mariabdb does not allow dump of performance_schema
Monitor dd in OSX
Mounting an ISO image from Supermicro IPMI for booting
NFS server config on RHEL/Centos 6
OpenSSL generate self-signed certificate
OpenSuse LDAP Server setup - with TLS
OpenWrt Linux watchdog
OSX Boot0 Fix
OSX Change user's UID
OSX Create specific Group with specific ID
OSX Fixing home/end on US keyboard layouts
OSX in VirtualBox Serial
OSX install Brew
OSX Setting Time Machine Destination from command line
OSX/UNIX/BSD/Linux - redirect SSH port
PBS Torque - Manipulating queue parameters whilst a job is submitted
Persisitent NFS mount on OSX Client
Raspberry Pi - creating fixed network device names
Raspberry Pi monitor core temperature
Raspberry Pi wireless setup
Renew a self signed SSL-Certificate on CentOS/RHEL
Renewing a Self-Signed SSL Certificate on RHEL/CentOS 6/7
RHEL server priorities and limits
RHEL/Centos 7 CPU Soft lockup kernel fix
RHEL/Centos 7 LDAP client config with TLS and self signed certs
RHEL/CentOS Changing a hostname
RHEL/CentOS memory overcommit kernel settings
RHN - Redhat certificate expired fix
RHN register with subscription manager
Rsync - exclude files from sync
Rsync exit codes
Scripted git push - crontab
Server room temperature check script
Setting additional perms with ACL
Setting up lustre_rsync for Lustre filesystem replication
Setting up smartmontools on RHEL/Centos
Setting up ssmtp to send mail from own address, not
Some useful Maui commands
SSH tunnel for VNC
Supermicro - Wonko vs Blade layout
Switching Java with alternatives
System imaging with rsync
tcsh Dealing with spaces in foreach
Time Machine network setup
Tuning Java VM settings
Updating RHEL certificates
VirtualBox on RHEL/Centos 6
ZFS - finding the block device number for a given UUID in a ZFS file system
ZFS config on Centos/RHEL 7
ZFS Hotspare management and disk replacement
4 Wire Fan Pinout
Awk built-in variables
Awk using printf for formatted output
bdf2u8g Font Converter
Capturing screen output with FFMPEG
Hi-Res test image patterns
ImageMagick animated gif
Linux watchdog
PCB Etch - best way - using FeCl3, Kontakt Positiv20
PCM5102 DAC Interface to Raspberry Pi
Rotate video with Handbrake CLI
Server room energy curve
Tin Plating
Tinning solution with Citric and Tartaric Acid
Using KVM and VirtualBox side by side
Arduino Yun
Compiling C programs for OpenWRT Linux
DFRobot LCD Shield Config
Enabling swap file on Arduino Yun
Installing Nagios on OpenWRT
Installing sFTP on Yun
K-Type thermocouple correction (NIST)
Samba server on OpenWRT
SCL & SDA Pins on Arduino family
Send email with ssmtp on OpenWRT
SYS V init script system on OpenWRT
Yun Bridge put and get example
Yun SD expander for rootfs
BOSS pedals current draw list
International radio streams
Making silicate developer solution